Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thumbprint :: THURSDAY :: Tents, Clubhouses & Forts...Oh My!

Growing up, I loved making forts. Whether it was covering every possible inch of the living room in bed sheets and quilts or using the plastic pipes with directions for an over-the-bed tent, I was such a sucker for the chance to throw up some blankets and crawl in my little house. Like most kids I had (and still have) a big imagination, so with a couple blankets in hand and a few tall objects to use, a fort could be made.
Here is a picture of the fort I made recently with the girls I babysit (well, more like hang out with): It was a raniy day...the perfect weather for an indoor play ground! Abby (pictured) is 9 and has such an outgoing personality. Her older sister Hannah (12), just got a cell phone that is able to take pictures and video. After Hannah captured a couple pictures, she began a video interview. It was so cute watching Abby explain how to make a fort and giving the camera audience advice for when they want to make one of their own. After our pictures and videos were shot, we climbed inside to watch a movie on a laptop...after every "hole" was covered though, of course. Can't have any light coming through in our fort/movie theatre :)

So with this recent fort building experience in mind, here are some more ideas to keep the kids busy on a rainy day:

{Cardboard Forts}New fridge, big box? Help construct a cardboard building, then let the kids make their mark.

{Sofa Forts}

Rainy Day + Fort + Good Book = the best!

{Teepee Fort} For the kids...or the kid in all of us :)

{Permanent Fort} Have a big basement? What kid wouldn't love their own permanent fort?

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